ANZAC DAY - Fizzer?!

ANZAC day is fast approaching and this year it could be the worst one yet!
The ANZAC day commemoration council has created some new rules this year which may signal the end of ANZAC day as we know it! The council contains members from the RSL, the Victorian State Government, Legacy and the armed forces.
They have made the following recommendations regarding this years march:
1. Only one descendant can march in place of a dead serviceman.
2. No photographs of loved ones can be carried or displayed.
3. No Orange arm-bands can be worn by disgruntled veterans showing their disgust of their treatment by the Department of Veterans Affairs , regarding compensation claims and the like.
Somewhat suprisingly, another debate has arisen with the suggestion that past enemies, ie Germans and Japanese, should be allowed to march!
Some critics think that these things combined may result in reduced numbers attending this years march. If so, and public interest wanes, then the future of ANZAC day marches must surely be in question!!
'Lest we forget'
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